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First Article Made by Me
A Test Article for Checking
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Here's a Test Heading for Checking

This is an article that may pull up some strong emotions. If you're not in the mood for that, you probably shouldn't read this right now. Your feelings will not be spared! Here I'll go into the real reasons you should adopt the fasting lifestyle.

Reason #1

Maybe your significant other isn't as attracted to you as they used to be. That happens, and it's clearly not a good thing.

Maybe you've noticed they're not as "into it" as they used to be. And the thing neither of you really wants to talk about, is that you've put on weight. That may have something to do with it.

Maybe they've put on some weight too, but that's just going to lead to a different kind of relationship problem. One where you may not split up, but rather you just end up enabling each other's bad habits.

Where in the end, you're harming one another more than you help each another. Reinforcing each other's bad eating habits will only bring misery down the road. As you get a little older, disease will start to rear it's ugly head.

But if only one of you puts on weight, that's bad news too. None of us want to think we'd be judged that way by the one we love, but it's really not their fault. You're dealing with basic human nature here. We're all wired to like a certain look.

As well as to dislike other looks. When it comes to the way people look, what we call "attractiveness" falls into a certain range. It doesn't matter who you are, you can be attractive. If your figure stays within certain parameters. The genetic rules, if you will.

People who fall outside of a certain kind of figure, tell our genes that the person we're looking at, may not be healthy. And as such, they may not be an ideal mate. Keep in mind most of this is involuntary.

You don't even think about it, but unconsciously you're going to act on it when you first meet someone. I know this is a sore subject for a lot of people, but that's why I called this article "raw". It's the truth, nature isn't kind.

So when someone puts on weight, you automatically think their looks have gone downhill. Nobody ever said "He or she looks a lot better now that they're obese".

Again it's just nature talking, but it's always going to be there. It's never going away. Doesn't matter if you're male or female, you're wired this way.

So if you put on weight and your partner doesn't say anything, or they deny it even to themselves, they're really just avoiding the problem. A health problem, as well as a problem that could develop into relationship issues later on.

I'm going to go out on a limb here and assume you don't want that. You realize that you (or someone you know) has a weight problem. Which almost always means that they have an eating problem.

Solving the overeating problem, solves the weight problem. Since your body just stores the extra food as fat. If it didn't get any extra, it wouldn't store anything as fat cause there wouldn't be anything to store.

So clearly: Fat = Too much food. Lower the food intake, and the body will not hold onto that extra fat. That's one of the few things you were told about food when you were a kid, that's actually true.

The body fat is just extra, that wasn't needed when you ate that food.

So what's the obvious logical conclusion? You didn't have to eat that food. You ate more than you needed, and it wound up getting stored as fat. And you kept doing that, so it kept getting stored as fat.

Let's tap into that spare fuel tank, and drain it completely.

As I've said before, here I keep things dirt simple. There's too much useless unnecessary detail surrounding weight loss. Your body will shed all your extra fat if you fast. No need to complicate things.

I'm also very goal oriented here: The goal is to get the all the extra fat off of you and get you down to your ideal weight. In a safe and healthy way, and quickly. Thus sparing you from the types of relationship issues I mentioned earlier.

And you never know: You just might discover that you both like living a healthier lifestyle. It could be something that ends up spiraling upward, instead of downward. Where you both end up encouraging each other and helping each other to lose weight!

Reason #2

I've already mentioned the health issue, but it's definitely its own reason. Your body was not meant to carry around very much extra weight. It can do it, but at the cost of years off your life.

Just think about how many people you know or that you've heard of, who died in their 50's, 60's, and 70's from health problems that were linked to their obesity. You never know, without those health ailments, that person may have lived to be 90-100.

Diabetes and heart disease aren't something to be taken lightly, or somehow put off. Neither are gallstones or cancer. These are known obesity related diseases that often develop as a direct result of being overweight.

You don't get to put off those diseases, like you put off your weight loss. They're going to follow the natural laws and when they set in, all your delays and rationalizing the problem catch up to you that day. Tough love article!

But if it gets you to start taking action, then I've accomplished my goal. Fasting is one of the best ways (if not the very best way) to lose weight. Not only does it get rid of the fat, it's also a very potent healer. And it's free.

Sure you need a couple of salts if you're going to do extended fasts, which is fasting for days (or weeks) at a time. But those salts might run you $10 total. Think about all the money people spend on gym memberships that don't even pay off in the end. PLACE LINKS HERE - SALT SALES AND ELECTROLYTE WATER LINK

With fasting you'll break the food addiction, and build the necessary discipline that will keep the weight off forever. It teaches you a whole new lifestyle, as well as a new skill.

And since the addiction is broken, you don't have to worry about gaining the weight back. Even if you did, you'll always have that tool in your toolbox. The fasting tool. You'll always be able to fast off that extra few lbs you may have put on.

I use 48 hour fasts for that. Keeps me at my ideal weight. If a month goes by and I notice that I consistently weigh 3 more pounds in the morning, well then it's time for a couple of 48 hour fasts. And just like that, I'm back to normal. Then it's back to Omad.

Through fasting you have a strong chance of undoing a lot of the damage that you've done to your body, which is currently progressing you towards these various diseases.

Your risk will vary depending on just how overweight you are, but odds are you're in the ballpark for those diseases. You don't get much leeway when it comes to being overweight.

Those are just four of the diseases known to be directly related to obesity. There are of course, many more. Feelin' lucky, wanna roll the dice? I know I don't. When it comes to luck, if I don't make my own, I'll just have none at all. So I knew what the future held for me.

It doesn't have to be that way, you can take control and skip all these weight related health problems later on. You could look better and feel better, and have a lot more energy to enjoy life with. It's all up to you.

Reason #3

Another reason would be the example that you set for your children. They're not immune to these diseases either, even if it takes them becoming an adult for the disease to fully manifest. Although that isn't always the case.

I won't harp on the "kids" reason, but I know it's safe to assume you'd rather them not develop health problems when they get older. I know you don't want to set the example that overeating is something they should be ok with.

So yes, do it for your kids. This reason is so important that I don't think it's even necessary to talk about it more.

Reason #4

Speaking of kids - For women pregnancy is another serious consideration, and a very good reason to want to lose weight. The medical facts say that if you're obese, it could harm your chances at getting pregnant.

There's also the risk of recurring miscarriage, and stillbirth. I don't even need to expand on those two. Bad news, to say the least. Another one would be gestational diabetes. Which I'm certain you want no part of.

Reason #5

I'm going to dump all the little things here. There's a lot of little reasons that I know you're aware of but maybe you don't like to talk about or think about. There's so many, but here's one - Maybe the airline company makes you buy two tickets, just for one person.

Maybe you have a hard time walking through narrow isles, past other people at a concert or some other social gathering. Maybe you don't like the look on their face as they're inconvenienced by your size.

Or maybe you've noticed that you wear out your furniture too quickly, as well as the seats in your car. That's one that I used to notice. It's expensive to fix those seats! I could go on all day talking about bad things you've probably noticed, just like I did.

Each time you notice one of the little things, it hurts. It's times like that when there's no denying your problem.

Reason #6

The last reason is the most obvious, it's for yourself. Your well being. How long do you want to look the way you look, feel the way you feel, and live the way you live?

I know what the types of thoughts and feelings that go through your head because I was the same way for so long. And I know it's no way to live.

Every day I'd look in the mirror and hate what I saw. But I lacked the self control to quit overeating. I used the food as some kind of small comfort for the stresses in my life. It never worked, the stressors remained no matter how much I ate.

All I could do was forget about them for a few minutes, but they always came right back. Since eating something won't make a bad boss good, won't make family troubles go away, or cure financial problems, etc.

When I finally realized that, I knew it was time to quit.

I realized I had an addiction. An addiction that in the end, really would be the cause of my death. If I didn't change. Just like so many other kinds of addiction, that aren't food related.

So reason number 5 is more about your mental health, than your physical health. I don't think I've ever met a single person who liked being overweight. Anyone you talk to who is overweight, wouldn't be if they could just snap their fingers and change it.

One day they'll have that real weight loss pill. Maybe in 20 or 30 years, they'll finally have it. The one that makes you shed fat regardless of what you eat, or how much. Think anyone will be overweight then? Even just a little bit?

The answer to that question, tells you how much people like being overweight. We know you don't or you wouldn't be here, but my point is simply this: Why should you continue to live with a condition that brings you such displeasure?

Why should you never get to wear what you want? To have to settle for those larger, and much less flattering clothes? Why should you hate yourself. There's no reason it has to go on like this.

Living with that day in and day out, isn't conducive to good well being. It makes you sad, which is something I can't stand to see. I hate the human suffering aspect of being overweight, which is why I started this site.

I had to share what I'd learned. There are of course books written on fasting as well as doctors who promote fasting, and I'd really encourage making use of all that material as well.

If I had my way everyone would be fully educated on all aspects of fasting. That education will take time. But I still maintain that fasting is simple, and very effective. And everyone can learn to do it.

While I could go on and on with more reasons you should adopt a fasting focused lifestyle, this article would get way too long. I think I've made my point well enough.

So please take a copy of my free 48 hour fasting guide. You can see the button below. It will get you started on your fasting journey, the right way.

Could it be possible that fear is holding you back from losing weight? Sounds a little ridiculous. Who'd be afraid to lose weight? But it's often the case, cause there's a lot of small fears that come up with a lifestyle change.

We're talking about a big change here, and it's only natural to be somewhat apprehensive. Take fasting for example. Many of the people I talk to about it, give me a fear response first. Some of them don't even realize that's what they're doing.

I've heard everything from "that will kill you" to "that's bad for you" to "it just won't work". All false, and often fear based. I have to admit that when I first started fasting, I had my doubts and reservations. Although I knew lots of people practiced it.

It was such a big change from what I'd been doing all my life. But once I started doing it I realized that there was nothing to be afraid of, and that I was actually feeling great as a result of my fasting. And my clothes seemed to be getting bigger.

When it comes to teaching people about fasting, there's something important to remember: Lots of people are afraid to step outside of what's considered mainstream. But once they do, they're so glad they did.

I say that because while fasting is starting to go mainstream, it's not quite there yet. Which leads me to the my next point below.

Healthcare as a business

Full disclosure isn't something businesses will often give you. There's a bit that they like to keep back for themselves. Around here we go into that part in full detail.

When it comes to the modern healthcare system, trying to get you healthy is their primary business. But as with most organizations in the modern world, money comes first. This fact has steered the mainstream medical establishment in a certain direction.

And unfortunately, that direction isn't necessarily the best direction for patient health. Sometimes, it's the best direction for the bank accounts of pharmaceutical companies. Maybe you've heard the saying "Cures don't pay well, but treatments do".

If you develop diabetes, a trip to the doctor's office will help get you started with treatment. As well as being told that you should also "eat healthy and exercise".

Which doesn't work, because people have too hard of a time sticking to it.

If you're overweight, there's a certain amount of work to be done before you can go any further with improving the overall state of your health. I'm sure you're already familiar with that type of process, for many other aspects of your life.

You have to do this, before you can do that.

You need to lose the extra weight first. Before you start thinking about the other health issues. Since any other health ailment is most likely caused by, or at least worsened by being obese.

Things that people didn't think had anything to do with their weight problem, have been known to go away when they lost their extra body fat. You can read about that for days.

If you fast off your extra body fat, you are likely to diminish any disease you may have. While looking better and having more energy. Fasting not only consumes fat, it also causes the body to go into a natural healing state.

I like to call it "maintenance mode" but I'm sure there's some kind of scientific term somewhere. The term "Autophagy" covers most of it. CITATION NEEDED

Looking good is healthy

I can't stress enough how looking good means feeling good. Feeling good translates to good health, since we all know by now that feeling depressed and stressed does damage to your health.

This is so well established at this point, that there isn't even any need for me to add a citation. It's common knowledge. Stress, anxiety, and depression equals a shorter lifespan.

As long as you're overweight it's like you're backed into a corner. You have a way out through fasting or otherwise losing the weight, but you're still short on options until you do lose the weight.

And I'm sure you already know that being obese, is to be in a poor state of health. Well you don't just get to remain in that state, it's degenerative. That's where fasting comes in.

There's a lot of myths surrounding fasting, which is unfortunate because it's such a good way to lose weight. But I'm here to smash those myths, and get down to the facts.

Myth #1:

"You can't do that! You'll die!" Honestly I just laugh now when I hear this. But I wasn't laughing back when I first began fasting, years ago.

My first extended fast lasted for 3 days. And I can't deny that the thought crossed my mind. Could not eating kill me? Logic quickly took over and I thought about how hard our ancestor's lives were.

Many times in the past, our ancestors did not get to eat for days, sometimes weeks if things went badly enough. Thousands of years ago if circumstances weren't right, they'd miss a few meals, and then a few more. And then a few more.

A poor harvest. A long winter. Insects ate or ruined the crops, or maybe the hunt went poorly. Maybe a storm destroyed too much of the fields, or there was a drought. Too little rainfall meant there may not be enough food.

And this often resulted in the people back then having no choice but to fast. Needless to say I've done countless hours of research since then and to put it bluntly - No, fasting won't kill you.

We're built to be able to fast in the event that hard times arise and we don't get to eat for awhile. I hold the belief that during these harsh times, our ancestors first learned the benefits of fasting.

Then later began to practice it even when there was ample food available. The practice of fasting permeates most cultures. It's only here in the west that unfortunately, it's been obscured. After all, selling lots of food is big business.

But your body is built to fast, it's an inborn ability that we all share. And no, you certainly will not die. Fasting is not starvation. Which leads me to the next myth.

Myth #2:

"You're starving yourself!" All I can say here is that this myth is dead wrong. Fasting doesn't even fall under the actual definition of starvation.

Webster's Dictionary defines starvation as "Suffering or death caused by having nothing to eat or not enough to eat : the condition of someone who is starving." That definition busts the myth.

Because you do have something to eat. If you're overweight, you have roughly 60,000 - 500,000 calories stored as fat. That's why it's there, it's just stored food. Your body will use those calories when you fast, which means you can't possibly be starving.

Even just doing Omad, (one meal a day) your body will use your fat. See my Omad article for how to Omad properly. LINK HERE So no, you are definitely not "starving" when you fast.

That's why its called "fasting" and not "starving". Starving people have exhausted all of their fat stores. You literally cannot starve, until all of your available body fat is gone. That's just not the way the human body works.

After all, why bother to store all that fat if you're just going to starve during hard times? Nature is much smarter than that.

Myth #3:

"Fasting is stressful on your body". Another myth that is the exact opposite of the truth. This is one of the worst myths, because fasting is the most de-stressing thing you can do to your body.

It removes toxins, and lowers the cortisol hormone. Aka the stress hormone. It also gives your digestive tract a chance to rest for awhile.

People who eat 3 meals a day or snack a lot, are actually overworking their digestive tract. It's not widely known but the digestive tract likes to get rest from time to time. Fasting is the way you let it rest.

When it rests, it gets to heal up from all the work that it's always doing. And that actually makes it more efficient the next time you eat. Thus, you'll get more nourishment and you'll want to eat less. It becomes a good cycle of healthy eating.

Another thing I'd say about fasting and stress, is that fasting really cracks down on inflammation. There is plenty of information available about this online. So I'll just say that fasting is the anti-inflammation.

Many people who have done extended fasting have had their inflammation reduced so dramatically, that none was actually measurable. So to sum up this myth: It couldn't be more wrong. Fasting is a big stress relief, not a cause of stress.

That also gets into the "spiritual" side of fasting. When you're doing a long fast, and you can feel that the fasting state has kicked in, you'll notice that your state of mind changes.

To sum it up, things that stressed you out before, somehow seem a good deal less important.

They get put in their place, and take on their proper priority in your life. When that happens, you just don't stress about them all that much. It's hard to put into words, but when you experience it you'll know what I'm talking about.

Myth #4:

"Fasting isn't for everyone". This is a semi-myth. If you have all of your organs you can fast. Animals can fast. Small children can fast. 90 year old people can fast. That's cause it's not harmful, it's beneficial.

We've all got fat stores that are designed specifically to see us through lean times when food isn't readily available. Again, our bodies weren't designed with our current civilization in mind.

They were designed to be able to survive on planet earth, the way it was many thousands of years ago. No big cities, no grocery stores, no restaurants. Just what you could grow, gather, hunt, or fish for.

And if that wasn't always available, there was a contingency plan: Fat stores. We wouldn't have lasted long as a species if we couldn't store up some fat to live off of when the going got rough.

So if you plan on fasting, that's what you're going to do. You're going to live off of those fat stores, while watching them dwindle down to reasonable levels.

And let me tell you, you're still at "reasonable levels" of fat storage, when you can see your ab muscles. A close friend of mine just got his body fat percentage test at a hospital here in Dallas.

He's got 11% body fat, and his abdominal muscles are visible. There's no need to worry about fasting so much that you run out of fat. Your body won't let you do that.

If you even get close, you'll be overwhelmed with hunger and you'll eat. A good rule of thumb is that if you can see your ab muscles, and you're hungry, you should eat.

There's that simplicity I always talk about - If you can't see your abs, you can fast until you can see them. Since fasting roasts away extra fat. You can do this.

Lastly I should say that even people who have had organs removed can fast. It's just that they're going to have to monitor certain things closely.

Myth #5:

"Fasting makes you feel bad". The key to this is what you're eating before you begin the fast. If it's coffee, pasta, sugar, and general junk foods, yes you will go through withdrawal period that may not be pleasant.

I went through it when I first started fasting. But this does vary from person to person. Some people have more toxins stored up than others. For me it was uncomfortable, but it wore off when the detoxification process had completed.

After that I felt great, better than I had in years! The best way to describe it, was as though I had gotten a great night's sleep, every night. That's how good you feel when the detox period is over. You just feel really good.

Coffee drinkers may get a headache as their body purges the drug that is caffeine. This is pretty common. I'd advise that they lower their coffee intake as much as possible.

If the headache is too bad, you can drink some black coffee (or unsweet tea) during the fast. That will alleviate the headaches and it won't break the fast.

Now that I practice Omad, I don't need coffee anymore. Once you start fasting and get your body functioning optimally, you won't either.

Back when I was fat I had so much less energy. I had forgotten what it feels like to have plenty of energy throughout the day. To never need a nap. The feeling was so liberating that I cursed my old eating habits and myself for being overweight for so long.

I was missing out on so much that life has to offer. I came to the conclusion that being overweight is no way to live. Especially when I found out there's such a simple way to end it.

Myth #6:

Fasting will ruin your metabolism. Not true. Insulin levels being too high, is what "ruins" metabolism. Not fasting. In fact it's quite the opposite, fasting will restore your metabolism to proper balance.

Without going into too much detail, when you fast your body will essentially flip a "Revert to defaults" switch and all of your hormones will snap back to their correct "setting" or levels. This includes insulin.

Insulin is a fat storing hormone, which prevents you from losing weight. But when you fast and the hormone gets set to a lower level, now you're primed to go into weight loss mode.

Metabolism isn't static, meaning it fluctuates throughout the day. It'll be ramped up in the morning when you wake up, and slowed down a lot before you go to bed.

There's a lot that goes on when you fast, besides just fat loss. There's a major healing effect that encompasses many things, hormones being one of them.

Myth #7:

Fasting breaks down your muscles. I keep having to say this, but it's the opposite once again. Fasting is muscle sparing. You have to remember, your body is very near to being perfect. (as a system)

So ask yourself how this myth makes any sense at all. Why in the world would a super advanced system like the human body, destroy its own chances for survival?

And not only destroy its own chances for survival, but also integrate the destruction into a safety mechanism? It's ridiculous. The safety mechanism that is fat storage and fasting, would be quite poor indeed if it also broke down your muscles.

So let's say hypothetically that's how it worked. It's 5,000 years ago. A famine has hit the land, and there is little food to be had. You're in fasting mode, living on your fat stores.

How would it help your survival chances if your muscles were diminishing the whole time you were fasting?

Don't you need those muscles now more than ever? If you're going to survive this famine, you're going to need to put those muscles to good use and soon. Getting weaker is counter productive.

Oh but you can't, because even when your body had plenty of spare fuel in the tank, it went ahead and broke down muscle mass too. This makes no sense, and it's false. Fasting does not break down muscle.

But you'll find this out for yourself. You'll notice that you're not any weaker, if anything you feel a little stronger now that you're fasting. I really don't need to explain further, you'll bust this myth on your own.

I found out for myself when I could still lift the same weight after fasting for days at a time. If the myth was true, my strength would've gone down. Why could I still lift the same weight as before the fast? You don't get to lose muscle, and keep all your strength.

Those are the most pervasive myths that I keep hearing when I talk about fasting. There are others floating around out there, but to me they don't seem as harmful as the ones I talked about here.

There's a good reason these myths needed to be busted. I hate to think of anyone believing that there's any truth to these myths, and having that prevent them from pursuing such a positive change in their lives.

So please take a copy of my free 48 hour fasting guide below. It's a good guide and it'll help you get through that first 48 hour fast!

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